Friday, January 14, 2011

"It Hurts To Be Beautiful"

Five year old Faith's mom's most famous quote would be "It hurts to be beautiful." A new season of Toddlers & Tiaras has just released their first episode, and we've already been able to prove Faith mom's quote.
Five year old Sami Jo was taken to get an eyebrow waxing. Appearently, this was not her first time, because the wax had once burned her and ripped off her skin. In this experience, we see a 5 year old screaming "NO!" and crying after and before she gets waxed. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited to see how the rest of the season turns out...
Based on the new season clips on TLC, I can infer we will be seeing two twin babies who own 70 dresses not to mention a private jet. On top of that, two of our Toddler Stars, Eden Wood and the unforgettable Makenzie will be returning. According to her mother, Makenzie has "matured." Can't wait to see if that's true!

Little Miss Perfect is also airing their first episode on January 19th, so stay tuned to see how things turn out there!
Since I promised this issue would be a "Worst Parents" issue, here you have it:
Jaime Sterling is definently up high in the rankings, closely followed by Isabella's mom (guess which one I'm talking about this time!), although we haven't seen Sami Jo yet, I have a pretty good feeling her mom makes top 5, the little boy Zander's mom, oh, I could go on forever. Comment about your thoughts!

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