Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tom Hanks Gets Involved!

Everyone knows Tom Hanks, especially from his Forrest Gump movies. Lately, a video has been posted showing an interview and a "toddlers and tiaras" clip. The clip itself is fake, and it is only made to make fun of pageants. Here's the link:

Tom Hanks' "daughter" Sophie Hanks "loves" pageants. In fact, she was named Sophie because it rhymes with trophy! Sophie is competing in the Ultimate Sexy Babes pageants, and her father is VERY supported. For all you Tom Hanks/Toddlers and Tiaras lovers, this is a MUST see!


  1. I saw the video for myself and that parody video is gonna leave real-life pageant parents hopping mad and some anti-child beauty pageants applauding this video for tackling the issue of how sexualised child beauty pageants really are.

  2. Yeah, I agree, I don't see how parents can let their child be judged in swimsuits and weird outfit of choice, even beauty!

  3. ^^You said it right, caramel. If I am a mother some day, I would never put any of my kids into this sort of activity. It's best to let little girls be little girls really.
